We're working to dramatically improve the experiences and outcomes for kids in foster care.

Your monthly gift of $18 helps kids in foster care find belonging with a foster or adoptive family before they age out at 18. When kids age out without a family support system their outcomes are dire:

  • Trafficking - A majority of child sex trafficking victims (estimated between 50% and 90%) have been in foster care.
  • Homelessness 20% become homeless the day they age out. 
  • Suicide - Former foster youth are 4x more likely to attempt suicide
  • Substance Abuse - One-third report struggles with drugs / alcohol
  • Dropout Fewer than half will graduate high school

Hannah's Story

An avid supporter of our I Belong Project, Hannah was sharing the latest kids filmed for the project when Miguel caught her eye. Miguel was 17 and close to aging out of foster care.

"My husband and I felt an instant connection," Hannah says. "He came to live with us a year ago and he is in every sense of the word our son."

Step 1 – Choose An Amount

Suggested Amounts

  • Thank you for trusting us to steward your generous support. With every gift we receive, we support local efforts first. Ultimately we are committed to create the greatest impact for every dollar. If you prefer to restrict your gift to a specific area of impact you can designate your selection here.

If your gift is in honor of someone you'll be prompted on the next screen and confirmation email about how to do that.

If you're looking for one of our affiliate states, find them here:
South Dakota Kids Belong, Tennessee Kids Belong, and 
Virginia's Kids Belong

Step 2 - Payment Details

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
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